Adding or removing a family member

Health insurance provides insurance benefits not just to insured persons but also to their dependent family members. These family members are referred to as "dependents". Family members must meet certain conditions related to "residency in Japan," "the extent of the family relationship," and "income" before they are authorized as dependents.

Adding a family member


If you are a Pfizer employee, please apply by performing the procedure below. After you apply, the necessary documents will be sent to you. Please refer to the FAQ regarding the post-application process.

  • (1) Use Workday to register family member information.
  • (2) Electronically apply (Navit) for dependency.
  • (3) After you apply, the Pfizer business subcontractor will mail the necessary documents to your home.
    (The documents will be mailed two to three days after the application is complete.)
Required documents: Notification of Health Insurance Dependent (Change)
Notification of Situation of Health Insurance Dependent (Spouse / Children) (18 years old or over)
Notification of Situation of Health Insurance Dependent (Excluding Spouse / Children) (18 years old or over)
Documents to attach for dependent certification (see description page)
Deadline: Within five days after the reason for adding the family member arises
Applies to: Insured persons for whom the number of dependent family members increases due to marriage, childbirth, etc.
Submit to: Your employer's HR section
  • * Please don't submit to Pfizer Health Insurance Society directly
Notes: See the Description page for information on standards for certifying dependents.
See Childbirth if you make your child dependent.

Documents to attach for dependents who qualify for exceptions to the domestic residency requirement even though they do not have addresses in Japan

Reasons for exception Certifying documentation
(1) Student studying abroad Copy of visa, student ID, certificate of school attendance, certificate of school admission
(2) Family member accompanying an insured person posted abroad Copy of visa, written appointment overseas, certificate of residence issued by a foreign public agency, etc.
(3) Person traveling abroad temporarily for sightseeing, recreation, volunteer activities, or other reasons unrelated to employment Copy of visa, certificate of agency dispatched for volunteer activities, certificate of consent to participate in volunteer activities
(4) Person recognized as equivalent to (2) above due to family relationship to an insured person arising while the insured person is posted abroad Copy of documentation certifying birth, marriage, etc.
(5) In addition to (1)-(4) above, person recognized to have a livelihood based in Japan in consideration of purposes of traveling abroad and other circumstances Subject to determination on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Health Insurance Society.

Note: If documents were prepared in a foreign language, please attach a Japanese translation signed by the translator.

Removing a family member


If you are a Pfizer employee, please apply by performing the procedure below. After you apply, the necessary documents will be sent to you. Please refer to the FAQ regarding the post-application process.

  • (1) Use Workday to register family member information.
  • (2) Electronically apply (Navit) for dependency.
  • (3) After you apply, the Pfizer business subcontractor will mail the necessary documents to your home.
    (The documents will be mailed two to three days after the application is complete.)
Required documents: Notification of Health Insurance Dependent (Change)

[Documents to attach]

  • Health insurance card (for the dependent to be removed, until December 1, 2025)
  • Elderly benefits card, Eligibility Verification Certificate, etc. (if issued)
Deadline: Within five days after the reason for adding the family member arises
Applies to:

[Insured persons with dependents who meet the following descriptions]

  • No longer eligible as dependents due to reasons such as employment, living apart from the insured person, or death
  • No longer satisfy the conditions for certification as dependents due to increased income
  • No longer rely on the income of the insured person for their livelihood because the insured person no longer provides an allowance
Submit to: Your employer's HR section
  • * Please don't submit to Pfizer Health Insurance Society directly