Subsidy for Smoking Cessation Treatment

There is no out of pocket cost for any of the following three support programs. Please apply based on your preferences.

1. Helping smokers quit over a short period of time with the stop smoking aid Nicorette (Non-Smoking Support Program)

In this program, eligible persons successfully stop smoking for a short-term (two-week program) using Nicorette and aim to stay smoke free on their own. There is no out of pocket expense so eligible persons can join readily.

Eligible persons Insured persons, dependent (spouse) of insured persons, and dependents aged 40 or older

Video about the program

2. Support for smoking cessation treatment through remote treatment

For those who are too busy to visit a medical care institution for smoking cessation treatment, this program offers an opportunity to receive such treatment remotely.
Although remote treatment is usually not covered by the medical care insurance system, this program requires no out of pocket cost (the Pfizer Health Insurance Society pays the full amount).

Eligible persons Insured persons

3. Smoking cessation treatment not covered by the medical care insurance system

If an insured person received smoking cessation treatment and paid the full amount out of pocket, the full amount will be subsidized as equivalent of medical consultation and treatment amount if the person applies through the following procedure.

Required documents Application form for smoking cessation treatment subsidy
Application form for smoking cessation treatment subsidy
Data entry sample

[Documents to be attached]

  • Copy of receipt for 12 weeks/five rounds of smoking cessation treatment (the receipt must state the name of the person who received the treatment)
Deadline: Soon after the treatment is finished
Address inquiries to: Directly to Pfizer Health Insurance Society


“Nicotine dependence” qualifies for smoking cessation treatment covered by insurance. If you would like insurance coverage for your treatment, please visit a medical care institution that is registered for “nicotine dependence management fee.”